Spring 2023 Transformation Collaborative Recap

May 01, 2023

The Iowa Primary Care Association recently hosted 13 of Iowa’s community health centers at our Spring 2023 Transformation Collaborative. The mission of the Transformation Collaborative series is to empower health centers in transforming their practices to achieve high quality, patient-centric care.

This spring’s topics included equity in communications, Medicaid unwinding, advocacy and more. Objectives included:

  • Emphasizing the importance of a clear framework for internal and external communications
  • Sharing challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned related to communications strategies and how to build consistent messaging across health center staff
  • Learning tricks and tips for facilitating discussions and learning 
  • Creating understanding around key current regulatory updates

Every session is interactive and engaging, equipping participants with information and tools they can share with their teams and implement at their health centers. Sessions are designed to promote integrated care, and members from every department are welcome and encouraged to participate.

Register today for the next Transformation Collaborative on July 19!